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Art Of Life Unlimited

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Featured Poet & Author: Aliscia Melton (Sunshine Blackrose)

Aliscia began writing as a youth by journaling and creating 
stories. It was a way for her to deal with her emotions and
turbulent upbringing. She later picked writing back up when 
she became involved with the Youth Ministry at church. She
would write short plays, speeches, and poems for the children to recite.

In 2012, Aliscia was re-introduced to poetry through friends
and some personal struggles in her life. During this time she 
found solace in writing and her horizon was broadened
as she saw her life story being written out in poetic form, 
which she refers to as her “mind spillage”. 

This caused her to share her work with others online and to eventually create a 
group through FaceBook where all could come and freely express themselves in poetic form
(Poetic Freedom Café).

Aliscia has been featured on "The Literary Corner" a blog radio show where she shared her art of poetry and on Eloquently Speaking, an online magazine 

She has also been featured as Poet of the month in Eloquently Speaking, a poetry group on Facebook and featured online at

Aliscia has been featured on The Top 15 of the Month on the website A shared Format 4 Poets, over 8 times for several of her poetry pieces, sometime making the list multiple times in one month for different pieces. Aliscia Melton is not only a poet, but an entrepreneur, mentor and community activist. For more information about Aliscia Melton, the renaissance woman, check her personal website

Synopsis of:
Sunshine BlackRose From Origination to Maturation A Transformation in Poetic Form

This book is a brief glimpse into my life from origin to the transformation God has made thus far in my life, a story if poetic form. It is a journey from the origination of Sunshine BlackRose to realization of life. That realization leads to maturation which brings about the transformation of Sunshine BlackRose. Come and peek in, read, and ride along with Sunshine BlackRose as she blossoms into a strong force to be reckoned with and experience the art of poetry like never before.

Get more of Aliscia Melton at these links
Purchase the Book here on Amazon

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